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Worried About the Pack on the Back of Your Kid?

It’s that time of year again: choosing just the right backpack for the new school year!  If you are like me, while your child is debating the coolest colors and latest designs, you are worrying about the comfort of the straps and effect of the weight on his or her back.  There is good news and not so good news:  a recent study from The British Journal of Sports Medicine ( suggests that carrying heavy backpack loads as kids does not result in permanent back pain issues as an adult.  The bad news is that it can definitely contribute to back pain now.

Chiropractors are the ideal Primary Care Physician for back pain in all ages.  We use non-invasive, drug-free methods to correct the underlying cause of pain, so the body can heal itself.  In keeping with our holistic approach, we will also show you exercises, stretches and minor adjustments you can use to stay pain-free.

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